
Monday – Sunday: 8:00 – 20:00
Walk in:
Monday – Friday
7:30 – 12:00 en 14:00 – 16:30
Repeat Prescriptions and Referral Letters
For an appointment
Telephone: +5999 736-0530
Monday – Friday
7:30 – 10:30 and 14:30 – 16:30
Thursday 8:00 – 9:00: Practice meeting
(Not available for making appointments)
For emergencies
Our professional doctors

Charisse Calor
BIG: 19056469401

Daniel Schotborgh
BIG: 69065387101

Carolien Schotborgh- van Heugten
BIG: 59909505901

Erika Richardson
BIG: 59917944701
Family Physician Care
In addition to our consultations for all age groups and for all specialties based on the NHG (Dutch) standards and protocols, we provide the following care:
First aid for accidents, wound care and suturing
Urinalysis for urinary complaints
Ear rinsing
Terminal care/palliative sedation
IUD (intrauterine device)
Injections, incl in joints
STD consultations

Minor surgical procedures (removal of sebaceous gland cysts, Lipomas, ingrown toenails, etc.)
Liquid nitrogen treatments warts
Medical exams for Drivers and Boat Licence
Screening and Prevention
Diabetes, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases
Chronic care
TOGETHER, we reach more goals!
We are facing an important challenge today: the rising prevalence of diabetes and cardiovascular disease !!
Our team is determined to tackle these health issues together and improve the quality of life for everyone.
That is why we invite every person who suffers from diabetes and/or high blood pressure, a high cholesterol level or is overweight to participate in our approach by means of Chronic care surveillance. Chronic care surveillance is a care model designed to improve collaboration between different care providers and to optimize the quality of care. We emphasize a holistic approach: We do not focus only on your disease, but on you as a whole with mind, body and lifestyle.
1. Prevention and Detection
Screening for and regular checks of:
- Quality of life
- Lifestyle: nutrition and exercise!
- Blood sugar level (HbA1C)
- Cholesterol level
- Kidney function
- Blood pressure
- Weight
- Feet: Circulation flow and wounds
- Eyes
2. Integrative approach to care
Our team of family physicians, specialized nurses and doctors assistants, work together to prevent and manage these conditions.
The aim is to coordinate care seamlessly and efficiently so that you receive the best possible treatment so that complications such as (heart attacks, brain strokes, leg amputations, blindness and kidney dialysis) are prevented.
3. Self-Management Support
You are empowered because we inform you about your condition(s) and the treatment options so that you are better able to make decisions and adjust your lifestyle.
4. Continuity of care
Our team works together with all healthcare providers who follow the same guidelines so that you can count on continuous care. This ensures a streamlined transition between the different care phases and settings.
TOGETHER we take steps towards better health in which you support and inspire you to get the best out of yourself.
We welcome anyone who is determined to get and stay healthier to join us!
TOGETHER we can beat diabetes and cardiovascular disease!
Multidisciplinary care with
Medical Center Sorsaka
General practice Sorsaka works together with MCS where the following disciplines are:
Medical Laboratory Services
Mental health care Capriles Clinic: psychologists and psychiatrists
Medistart: sleep shop, ECGs, Holter examinations and
24 hour blood pressure Examinations
Dentistry dr. E. Caraballo
Fundashon Prevenshon
Vascular Surgeon of Eps